LIBEM2 - Solution of the 2D Laplace Equation in Microsoft Excel by the Boundary Element Method

The LIBEM2.xlsm spreadsheet solves the two-dimensional interior Laplace equation, with a generalised (Robin or mixed) boundary condition
(which includes the special cases of the Dirichlet (essential) and the Neumann (derivative or flux) condition) by the Boundary Element Method.
The closed boundary may be any shape and it is represented or approximated by a set of straight line panels. The boundary functions are
approximated by a constant on each panel; this is the simplest form of the boundary element method in 2D. The solution may be found at any
set of points within the interior domain.
The input data is displayed on the sheets of the spreadsheet and the steps in the boundary element method may be activated by buttons on
the spreadsheet. The results are also displayed on the sheets of the spreadsheet. The standard 'direct' and 'indirect' methods may be
applied by activating the appropriate button. It is shown how the interim results from one run can be re-used in another run of the code,
and hence how the computational cost or computer time used in simulations may be managed.
There is a guide for using the method and the simple test problem covered within the spreadsheet is that of a square with a simple linear
solution. The stages of the boundary element method are explained and each macro has a guiding document to explain what each is doing.


Download the LIBEM2 Spreadsheet and Manual

Included in the Researchgate project The Boundary Element Method on an Excel Spreadsheet

Included in the Researchgate project Boundary Element Method Programs for the Solution of Laplace's Equation

Included in the Researchgate project Teaching Numerical methods using Spreadsheets

Stephen Kirkup's Research Papers


Boundary Element Method website

Boundary Element Method LinkedIn Group

Spreadsheets in Science and Engineering LinkedIn Group

Numerical Methods website

Computational Mechanics Research LinkedIn Group

Numerical Methods LinkedIn Group